Server out of diskspace.

Recently got a problem with a server – Nothing was working users were not able to login without any error message.

Issue was server disk was full no space left to create any log or session file.

How to check the issue

Accessed the server using SSH and run below commands:


  Filesystem   1K-blocks   Used      Available    Use%    Mounted on
  devtmpfs     8208132     56        8208076      1%      /dev
  tmpfs        8217120     0         8217120      0%      /dev/shm
  /dev/xda1    16380820    16280992  0           100%     /

Which means disk is full.

To Find out which folder is consuming more space use below command

					du -hd1 | sort -hr

Showed only 2 GB is used. We had 16 GB space.

Most possible issue was log files not being deleted. Below command revealed that tons of files are there httpd was  holding up their deletion.

					lsof +L1

Restarting the httpd resolved the issue. (service httpd restart)

Just for reference.

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